Thursday, March 24, 2011

Support Raising...

So I've been struggling with how to write letters to organizations that I would like to work for. I've also been struggling with raising support, and the idea of asking people to sponsor me. I guess my problem right now is that I am so far out from when I would actually be leaving, that to even approach the idea scares me.

I've come up with some decent fundraising ideas. For example, I feel like doing things like a spaghetti dinner or a pop can drive would raise a good amount of money. I would also like to approach a local band to see about doing a benefit concert. I feel like they would back me on something like this. For me, asking people for money and giving them something in return is a more tangible way of raising the money.

I saw Kumar again this week. He and I had a long conversation about raising money. He had some amazing insight! The thing that I got the most out of in our conversation was the ways in which individuals serve God's kingdom.

His insight was this. Some people are able to give their time, others are able to give financial contributions. He said that if I feel this is what God is leading me to do, to serve his kingdom, I shouldn't "feel bad" about asking people to support me in that.

I found that to be so refreshing! I've been so stressed about where to start when it comes to raising support, that I've been procrastinating. I keep finding excuses to do other things. I guess I can't sit by and expect God to just hand me everything I need to go to India. I have to be willing to work for it as well!

I have a meeting at church on Sunday. It is aimed at teaching you how to raise support for Leadership Training. God has already provided me with the funds to go to LT this summer, but I feel like the meeting would be useful to me anyway. I am going to go and see what I can learn about raising support, and how I can apply that to India.

It's amazing to me because God keeps giving me exactly what I need, when I need it. I just found out about this meeting, for example, when I was really starting to stress about raising money for India. Isn't God amazing?!? You can chalk it up to coincidence, or whatever you want. I however, truly feel like it is God moving in my life. Funny how when I seek him, TRULY seek him, he does amazing things in my life. Still, and constantly in awe of this....

Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Sometimes God just has other plans...

So the last few weeks have been crazy. I went to Florida for Spring Break. I was gone for 10 days. Before I left, I was suckered into driving my car on the trip. I don't know how to tell people no, so when I was asked if I could drive I said yes.

I took my car in to make sure it was safe to drive to Florida and back. I figured that was a smart idea since I  was involved in an accident with a semi in January. I took it in for an oil change and a front end alignment, and ended up spending about $650 on repairs. I needed new ball joints, an alignment, a new fuel filter, power steering fluid, brake fluid, transmission fluid, spark plugs, etc. There were some things that I wasn't able to have repaired due to lack of money. To make a long story short, I spent all of the money I had saved for a passport to get my car fixed and then some.

The trip itself was amazing. I met more awesome people, and crossed two things off my bucket list. I got to go to Disney's Magic Kingdom and I was also baptized.

Men of War
© Janette Marie Noe
All Rights Reserved
My baptism was pretty epic. I was baptized on Friday, the last day of the trip. It was a beach day. We got to the beach and there were jellyfish everywhere. Man of War to be specific. Which apparently hurt really bad if you get stung. Luckily I did not. My baptism was supposed to happen at 3pm. At 2pm the storm clouds started rolling in and by 2:30 it was pouring. My entire group left the beach.

I felt really defeated all day. It was like Satan was trying to keep my baptism from happening. I went back to the church we were staying at and had a good cry. I was actually pretty miserable the rest of the day. We later decided to do my baptism despite of the rain and jellyfish. It was totally epic. I was baptized in the dark, while it was raining, surrounded by jellyfish and huge crashing waves.

It was such a victory. It was like God was telling me that despite of the storms we face in life and despite all of the obstacles in my way, he can make anything happen. It wasn't exactly what I had planned, but it worked out the way that HE had planned it.

My Baptism! 
God opened a huge door for me this week as well.  Leadership Training is a discipleship program the church I am attending holds every summer for 7 weeks. It teaches you how to overcome the struggles we face in everyday life, and live every day for Christ. It also teaches you how to share the gospel with others. I have been struggling with whether or not to attend, mostly because of the cost of the program. It is $675. In reality, it's not that much money. After spending so much on my car though, I couldn't justify it. I talked with a few people on my trip and they all said I should do it and that it would be worth the money. They also said it would help me in India.

By the end of the trip I decided there was no way I could do it, simply because I couldn't afford it. I received an email last night from one of my trip leaders saying someone had decided to anonymously sponsor me so that I could go to LT this summer. I had talked with people on the trip about LT and that money was an issue, but it was all off-handed and I definitely wasn't expecting someone to sponsor me.

I couldn't turn the offer down! It was like God opened another door, and provided me with another opportunity. I am truly blessed!!! Lately it has been like any time I have an opportunity for something that will bless my trip and my plans, God opens a door. Sometimes they are little doors, and sometimes they are huge. But they just seem to keep opening...

God has really been teaching me the last few weeks to trust in him. Things keep happening and I keep forgetting to trust in his ultimate plan. And then I get these reminders like "Look! I know what's best for you and you need to trust in my timing." So, I'm working on it. I need to remember to trust in him in all things. His plan and his timing will always be what is best...

"Trust in the Lord with all of your heart, and lean not on your own understanding. In all of your ways acknowledge him and he shall direct your paths."
~Proverbs 3:5-6

Monday, February 21, 2011

Passport? What Passport?

So getting a passport is proving to be more difficult than I had imagined. I started researching what I need in order to get my first passport, which created my first problem. I was doing some research online and said that I need a "certified birth certificate".  I read the document wrong and I thought I had to have my original birth certificate. Apparently not. The original one just had to be filed within a year of my birth. Luckily my parents decided to have me in a hospital, so that's not an issue. So I spent an entire day trying to figure that whole thing out.

Next, I started looking for the birth certificate that I know I have. I just saw it a month ago. But do you think I can find it? NO...  That's the problem with being a disorganized person. My method of filing paperwork is throwing it all in a shoe box. Take my word for it. BAD IDEA. So I spent all evening tonight trying to find my birth certificate, to no avail. This means that I have to go to City Hall and get one. This involves an hour of driving each way, and waiting in line to actually get my birth certificate. I'm not complaining. It's my own fault and I recognize that. I'm mostly annoyed with myself.

This is how I actually "file" paperwork...

Then there is the issue of the passport photo. I'm going to apply for my passport at the United States Postal Service. Most branches allow you to take your passport photo there while you wait. I told my sister this and she said "What if you hate your photo?!? Then you are stuck with it!". So now I have to find somewhere else to have it taken. I'm a nanny and I work 9am-6pm Monday thru Friday. It can make having a passport photo taken or getting a copy of your birth certificate difficult. When you work "normal business hours" and places like City Hall close at 6pm, this means dragging the kids you nanny for with you. Also not fun.

So this whole thing is turning out to be more difficult than I had anticipated. I have my passport application filled out, which is a plus. Hopefully I will be able to actually file the application in the next couple of weeks. I leave for Florida on Friday of this week, so it may not happen until I get home. Despite all of the unanticipated hoops, I'm actually really looking forward to having my passport. I live an hour from Canada, and you can't even go there anymore without one. Up to this point, I haven't had a reason to have one, but you never know what is going to happen.... Plus, I definitely need one for India!

Thursday, February 17, 2011

And so it begins...

Have you ever felt like God laid something on your heart and said "Go for it!"? This is the beginning of what I hope to be and incredible journey! I've been thinking about this a lot recently, and I feel like God is calling me to go to India for a year. The goal is to live/work in an orphanage. I'm not looking to do this because it's my idea. In fact, the idea totally terrifies me. I do however, feel like it is what God wants from me.

It's been difficult trying to wrap my head around going. Sometimes I feel like I'm making things up in my head. It's hard for me to interpret if I'm talking to myself, or if God is speaking to me. But then these doors keep opening, and I meet these awesome people and I can't mistake God's presence.

A few weeks ago I met Kumar. He's an incredible 21 year old from The University of Michigan, Ann Arbor. I met him at church of all places (go figure, right?). He has completed several missions trips in the last few years, and also went to India last summer for 2 months to film a documentary with some of his friends. I got to have dinner with him a few weeks ago to talk about his trip to India. We talked about his experiences, fundraising and the fact that he has christian family members in India. Isn't that amazing!?! He came into my life right as I was starting to seriously consider taking this journey.

I have a huge fear of the reactions I'm going to get when I tell my family members and friends that I am going to do this. I haven't finished college. My parents are quite angry with me, and I have a feeling that they will be less than excited about this idea. BUT, I've decided after living to please other people for the last 22 1/2 years, that if I want to do this and I feel like it is what God wants from me, I SHOULD. I am at a point in my life where I have nothing to tie me down. I'm single, don't have any kids, no "real" job to speak of. So WHY NOT?

So I don't exactly have it all figured out. BUT, I have a plan. Maybe it won't come together exactly as I hope, but at least I have a plan. This is more than I can normally say for myself. The plan is: Get passport, fundraise, pay off debt, fly to India, have the adventure of a lifetime. Sounds pretty good doesn't it? It may not be easy, but hey! What is?